
Petition to ABC for Linux plug-in of online video streaming service "full episodes"

by Forrest Sheng Bao http://fsbao.net
(Digg it: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Petition_to_ABC_for_Linux_plug_in_of_online_video_streaming)

My friend, do you use Linux? And you also wanna watch ABC's TV show, such as Lost, for free, legally? So, post your petitions online and provide feedback to ABC via their web form. Let them hear our voice. BBC has begun to carry out Firefox video streaming plug-in for Linux user. Now it the time to ask ABC.

1) Sign this petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/LinuxABC

2) Leave your voice at ABC feedback form http://dynamic.abc.go.com/streaming/feedback

Put stuff like this in their feedback form:

Dear ABC,

I like your TV shows and I like enjoying them for free via "full episodes", legally. But as a Linux fan, I hope ABC can develop plug-in for Linux ASAP. Though Linux share on desktop computers is not as high as Windows, there are still a lot of people using Linux. (Just see how many Dell's Linux laptops or Asus's Eee PCs have been sold.) We all like ABC and hope ABC won't abandon us.

Now BBC has begun to carry out Firefox video streaming plug-in for Linux user, as well as other support to Linux. We think that both of us don't wanna see that we are "forced" to watch the video not of ABC.


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