
It seems EMBC is not a bad conference + update on acceptance ratio

by Forrest Sheng Bao http://fsbao.net

Update on Jun 13, 2009: Acceptance ratio of IEEE EMBC 2009:

Total submission: 2108
Total accpetance: 1860, Total acceptance ratio: 88.24%
Oral presentation: 911, Oral presentation acceptance ratio: 43.21%
Poster presentation: 944, Poster presentation acceptance ratio: 44.78%

My paper was accepted as oral presentation. So it is not too bad. I really read a lot good papers in this fields from proceedings of this conference, in different years. So we can say this is the best congress in biomedical engineering - no other conference covers so many fields in biomedical engineering. But remember, most *awesome* conferences in electrical engineering or/and computer science, has an acceptance ratio around 25% to 30%, even below 20%.


Recently, a paper of mine got accepted by IEEE EMBC'09, the 31st Int'l Annual Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

I heard this conference has a high acceptance ratio. So I did some googling and found it wasn't that bad.

I encountered the CV of many people who published papers on KDD, SIGIR, ICML, etc., which are top conferences in computer science and electrical engineering. They also published papers on EMBC, not only once. So, EMBC is not very bad.


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