
Agilent ADS 2009 on Ubuntu Linux 9.04

by Forrest Sheng Bao http://fsbao.net

Agilent ADS is a great tool for circuit simulation on Linux.

1. Install ksh

sudo apt-get install ksh

2. Download and extract ADS2009 installation files. Enter the directory that stores all installation files. Run


and follow on-screen instructions.

Be sure to set the proper path for ADS2009. ADS2009 could be very big, 5.5 GB. So it is better to install it on a separate partition other than your root partition, like below.

3. Set necessary environmental variables. The HPEESOF_DIR environmental variable should be set to be equal to the path to the installation directory and add HPEESOF_DIR/bin into $PATH. Activate new environmental variables (You can logout and login again or source profile files.)

4. (Optional for 64-bit Linux) Install 32-bit libmotif. First, download 32-bit libmotif.

For Jaunty Jackalope, you can download it from http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libmotif3

Then, extract the deb package. One file you can find from extracted libmotif3 deb package is data.tar.gz. The data.tar.gz in libmotif3 deb package contains all 32-bit libmotif3 libraries required by ADS2009. Extract it and you shall find a directory called usr in it. Enter that directory and enter the lib subdirectory. Copy every *.so.* file into /usr/lib32 (You may need root privilege to do so).

5. Add license server at pop-up window when your first type ads on the shell for the first time. This step depends on your license type. For me, I connect to a license server. For you, maybe it is a license file.

Now you are ready to run ADS2009.

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