
Battling Helicobacter pylori with yogurt, ginseng and tea

After being diagnosed of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) last summer, I have been reading papers on its prevention. Yes, reading gastrointestinal papers as a computer science PhD student - I religiously read papers.

According my biology classes in high school and college, there must be some chemical environment that makes H. pylori ``uncomfortable.'' If I keep such an environment in my stomach, I can reduce my chance of being infected by H. pylori again. Hence, I have been searching edible stuff that can keep such an environment from clinical studies.

I found two papers today via Wikipedia. They suggest the following things may make H. pylori uncomfortable: yogurt, ginseng and tea. Awesome. I love them all.

Here are the papers:
(You may need to use your university or company's network/VPN to read the full papers.)

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